After the preliminary studies, there are the feasibility studies.

The feasibility analysis is the process of studying alternatives for the implementation of a new enterprise.

Some variables related to the market, the city’s master plan, the characteristics of the land and environmental constraints are analyzed together for decision making on the best enterprise to build on the studied land.

Sondotécnica has the best software, equipment and technical qualification to deliver studies with 100% assertiveness.

We can divide the feasibility studies into three:

Technical Feasibility Study

Technical feasibility takes into account what can and cannot be done in a given location. Each city has a set of laws that determine the limits of constructive activity. Some cities have laws for each neighborhood or political administrative region.

Economic Feasibility Study

The economic feasibility study is directly linked to the profits that investors will make. To develop a good economic feasibility study, it is necessary to have reliable information on the costs of the work and cash flow analysis.

Financial Feasibility Study

To redeem the value spent without losing purchasing power and still guarantee the final positive cash flow balance, investors use several financial indicators. The use of these indicators represents the practice of the financial feasibility study, which seeks to analyze the behavior of the value of money in time, in order to support the best decision about whether or not to make an investment.


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