
Take a trip through time and learn about all the steps that led Sondotécnica to lead engineering consulting in Brazil.



It is inaugurated by engineer Jaime Rotstein with the aim of being an industry of ideas toward progress.


Conducts studies and guides projects for the construction of the dams of Três Marias (MG), Itajaí River (SC) and Jaguari River (SP).


It collaborates with the studies of the Brazil-Paraguay International Bridge, later known as the Friendship Bridge.


He actively participates in the Construction of Brasilia, studying, designing and executing the foundations of more than 100 buildings (including the BNDES building) of the future capital of Brazil, inaugurated in 1960.



It carries out technical consulting and elaborates the projects for the construction works of the Almirante Barroso Maritime Terminal, in São Sebastião (SP).


It carries out a technical-economic feasibility study of the Rio-Santos Highway for the National Department of Roads (DNER).


It develops a project to expand the operating capacity of the Rio de Janeiro Mineral and Coal Park to up to seven million tons.


It projects and oversees the implementation of Section 2 of the Rio de Janeiro Metro, located on one of the main arteries in the city center, Avenida Presidente Vargas.


It elaborates the National Irrigation Plan, which constituted until the end of the 1980s, the main document for the formulation, evaluation and presentation of studies and projects of hydro agricultural uses in Brazil.


It carries out the final engineering designs of about 3,000 km of the Cuiabá-Porto Velho, Porto Velho-Humaitá and Belém-Brasília highways.



It carries out the studies and elaborates the executive design and the supervision of works of the Container Terminal on the left bank of the Port of Santos, until 1981.


It elaborates the Integrated Development Plan of the Xingu and Tapajós Rivers Basins, involving the characterization of natural resources, study and socioeconomic diagnosis of an area with more than 550 thousand square kilometers.


Design of the BR-116 Side Roads – Via Dutra (Arujá-São Paulo Section)


It elaborates a complete engineering design and also manages the implementation of the Samuel Hydroelectric Power Plant in Porto Velho (RO).


It implements a study of the corridor of Avenida Brasil, in Rio de Janeiro.


It develops the study and project of the Botafogo Metro Station in Rio de Janeiro, involving a built area of 131,000 m² and an urbanized area of 16,500 m².



Manages and supervises works for the implementation of the Serra Azul System, for the supply of water in the Metropolitan Region of Belo Horizonte (MG).


It becomes a publicly-traded company. Its shares are traded on B3 S.A. – Brasil, Bolsa, Balcão, under the code SOND.


It elaborates the basic, executive and environmental Designs of the Manso Hydroelectric Power Plant, in Mato Grosso.


Responsible for managing the implementation of the Reurbanization work of the Anhangabaú Valley, in São Paulo (SP).


It contributes to the formation of the State of Tocantins, developing the complete supply system of the new capital, Palmas. In addition, it elaborates a large part of the city's road and urban drainage designs, as well as the design of roads throughout the state.


It develops an executive infrastructure project for the implementation of the Petrochemical Complex of Rio de Janeiro, including preliminary environmental assessment that made it possible to minimize the impacts of infrastructure works on the physical, biotic and socioeconomic cultural environments.



It conceives and elaborates the executive design and provides assistance to the works of the Railway Bridge over the Paraná River, with a length of 3,455 m and maximum depth of the foundations of up to 45 m.


Manages, supervises and inspects basic sanitation works and urban infrastructure for the implementation of the Defense Program against Flooding of Areas of the State of Rio de Janeiro.


Executes plan for the Luanda Water Supply System in Angola.


Provides advice to the management of the CBTU Metropolitan Train Decentralization Project for the State of São Paulo.


Manages the preparation of projects and the execution of works for the city of Rio de Janeiro in the implementation of the Yellow Line Road Concession.


Beginning of the first work of the Basic Sanitation Program of Peru. Other works were done in the country, such as highway works in Peru.


Responsible for the supervision and management of the Expansion works of Almirante Storni Wharf, in the province of Chubut, Argentina.



It oversees the execution of the projects and recovery works of the Pan-American North Highway (Peru), affected by floods caused by the El Niño phenomenon.


Responsible for the complete project for the construction of the Water Supply System of the cities of Benguela and Lobito, in Angola.


Develops a spillway project to operate after the closing of the diversion tunnel to the Capanda Hydroelectric Plant.


He works in management, consulting and technical advice on several Irrigation Designs for the Government of Angola.


It carries out the first work in the Dominican Republic of Expansion of the Northwest Aqueduct and, later, the Samaná Aqueduct.


It achieves ISO-14001:2004 (Environmental Management), then ISO 9001:2008 (Quality Management) and later OHSAS-18001:2007 (Occupational Health and Safety Management).


Responsible for the design for road adequacy works for the Expansion of the Traffic Capacity of Marginal Tietê, in São Paulo.


Carries out the design of lot E for the implementation of the 1st Stage of the São Francisco River Transposition Design.



It elaborates the design and supervision of one of the most important works in São Paulo, Rodoanel.


Conducts Management and Inspection consultancy of the Maracanã Complex for the 2014 World Cup.


Participates in the project for the implementation of the Submarine Development Program (PROSUB), projected to enable the country to project and build conventional and nuclear submarines.


It manages the engineering processes involved in the implementation of the VLT in the port and central regions of the city of Rio de Janeiro.


Performs technical engineering services to support the supervision, supervision and monitoring of works and duplication services of SP-099 (Rodovia dos Tamoios, in the State of São Paulo).


Conducts studies and implementation designs of the 2nd runway of Confins International Airport – Belo Horizonte / Tancredo Neves.


Supervises the Implementation of the Civil Works of Line 13 - Jade, section between the Goulart Engineer Stations and the International Airport of Guarulhos, of CPTM, in São Paulo.


Carries out technical assistance in the Implementation of Works (ATO) for the contract of Electrification and Home Connections in the Province of Luanda, Angola.


It supports the management of the activities of project, implementation, supervision of works, registration and technical engineering assistance in the post-occupation of housing developments in the State of São Paulo and other products of CDHU Lot 1.


It elaborates the executive design of the Dry Storage Unit (UAS) of used nuclear fuel and the auxiliary building for the Almirante Alvaro Alberto Nuclear Power Plant (CNAAA).


Manages and supervises the Construction, Expansion, Adequacy and Renovation of SESI/SENAI Buildings, in São Paulo.


Manages and supervises the projects provided for in the Investment Program of the South-RES Design Coordination, of the Regional Systems Board-R, SABESP, São Paulo.


Performs for Arteris and ANTT, through BIM technology, specialized technical engineering services for the preparation of consolidation projects of the functional phase and executive design of duplication, marginal roads and devices of BR-116/PR and BR-116/SC.


It carries out the first subway design that uses BIM (Building Information Modeling) technology, at São Joaquim station, in the capital of São Paulo. The basic design of this design will modernize the station and unify two important subway lines.