The basic and the executive design are the main stages of the planning of a work.

Therefore, Sondotécnica prepares ultra detailed designs, where the entire design is specified item by item, so that the work can be developed with fluidity, economy, assertiveness, and on schedule.

In the Basic Design, stages, elements, and services that should compose the work are defined. It must contain, among other aspects, the design’s floor plan, roofs, fronts, as well as foundation, structure, electrical, hydraulic, and landscaping designs.

It is from these activities that it is possible to identify the services that will be contracted and also the best techniques to be adopted, such as the construction methods and provisional facilities — work site.

That is, the basic design makes up the base processes for the preparation of all the re st of a work, which is essential for the realization of cost calculations and assembly of execution schedules. It is an outline of what will be done, and must be done prior to the executive.

The Executive Design is the stage in which all the elements for the execution of the work are detailed. Therefore, it is essential to follow what has already been planned in the basic design. In addition, it is essential to comply with the standards established by the Brazilian Association of Technical Standards (ABNT).

In summary, the executive design should detail all the information that will guide the work. This includes detailed plans, schedules, budgets, supplier lists, technical specifications, among others.

It is essential that all these aspects are carefully observed, especially in works involving public or private bids.


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